About Me
I am a mother, a certified maternity nurse, my name is Maura. A lover of life, energetic, bilingual (fluent in English & Dutch), face each day with a smile and ready to make it beautiful. Within the past years I have committed to fulfilling my purpose here on earth: caring for new angels and their protectors here on earth.
As a certified maternity nurse, I provide new parents with the care that they need, guiding them with knowledge in taking care of their newborn, help transition into parenthood as well as making their postpartum period as pleasant as possible. My ultimate goal on the last day of my care is to leave you feeling confident, secure, and ready to rock it as a parent!
My journey started working with Postpartum agencies in Amsterdam and Haarlem, and since 2021 I spread my wings as a freelancer. I have provided maternity care mainly to ex-pats from various countries living within Haarlem and Amsterdam (Brazil, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Great Britain, Morocco, China, Mexico, Russia, and Indonesia) and Dutch citizens.
Yearly I follow various trainings and courses for my KCKZ creditation and I am registered in the quality register.

Maternity Care
Professional maternity care for new parents during the postpartum week, the Netherlands. This includes guidance and support for mother and baby during the post partum week.
Maternity Care Abroad
Professional maternity care and expertise for new parents, expats (dutch) abroad, during the postpartum week.
C-section Treatment
Specialized caesarean section scar treatment (aftercare). Connective tissue and scar treatment.
Using the C-section method designed by the Casearean section club.
Belly Binding
Benkung belly binding originates from Malaysia. It is a traditional method where the pelvis and abdoem of the mother tied in a special way. It helps the body recover faster due to removal of air, blood and fluids.